(Approved April 2004)
Adopted April 26, 1963 and as amended April 19, 1966, April 14, 1967, April 4, 1978, April 7, 1981, April 8, 2003, April 6, 2004
ARTICLE I - Name and Objects
Section 1.The name of this organization shall be the Southeastern Section of the American Society for Engineering Education.
Section 2.The mission of the Section shall be to: (a) enhance and promote the development and retention of effective engineering and engineering technology faculty, and (b) promote the assessment and development of effective academic programs in engineering and engineering technology that are responsive to the constituents.
Section 3. To achieve its fundamental mission, the Section has adopted the following goals:
ARTICLE II - Membership
Section 1. Membership in the Section shall be of two general classes: Individuals and Institutional.
Section 2. Individual membership shall be comprised of persons who are active in the American Society for Engineering Education.
Section 3. A member in good standing with the national organization of ASEE and living in the area of the Section is automatically a member of the Section.
Section 4. Institutional members shall be those institutional members of the Society, as defined in the American Society for Engineering Education Constitution and Bylaws that are located within the Section boundaries.
Section 5. The Section shall cover an area designated by the national organization of ASEE and presently including Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and any Latin American and South American Countries, including the West Indies Islands, having within their boundaries an authorized Branch of ASEE.
Section 1. To serve the special and professional interests of the members of the Section and to fulfill the mission and goals of the Section, the Section shall be organized into three Units as defined by the Bylaws. These Units shall be as follows: (1) Programs, (2) Awards and Recognition, and (3) Publications and Promotion. Every five years the Executive Board shall review the Divisions comprising each Unit and make new assignments, if warranted, in accordance with Article XI of the Bylaws.
Section 2. Each Unitshall have a Chair, who shall be a Vice President of the Section, a Vice-Chair, and a Secretary.
Section 3. The Programs Unit will represent special interest divisions, while the other two Units will represent professional interests divisions.
Section 4. Divisions ofspecial or professional interests within Unitsshall have a Chair, a Vice Chair, and a Secretary. The Chair of the Division will act as liaison officer for the Division's interest. There is nothing to prevent a member of a division from participating in or hold office at the Unit level.
Section 1. The Officers of the Section shall be President, President Elect, three Vice Presidents who are Chairs of the three Units (Programs, Awards and Recognition, and Publications and Promotion), andSecretary-Treasurer. The President shall serve as the Section Chair and the Vice Presidents shall serve as the Section Vice Chairs as defined by the national ASEE constitution.
Section 2. The eligibility for office, the manner of election, and duties of the officers are set forth in the Bylaws.
Section 3.Officer terms shall be held in accordance with the following limits: (a) President-serves a one-year term; however, can serve a second term, but not consecutively; (b) three Vice Presidents representing Units--normally serve a one-year term; (c) Secretary Treasurer serves a three-year term; however, can serve a second term.
The Executive Board of the Section shall consist of the President, the President Elect, the three Vice Presidents, the Secretary-Treasurer, and the Immediate-Past President and ex officio members as specified by the Bylaws. Its function shall be to coordinate the activities of the Section. Its actions shall be final as to (a) approval of budgets, (b) meetings, (c) appointments of officers to fill emergency vacancies, and (d) determination of eligibility of institutional members.
In case of a national emergency during which it is impossible for the Section to hold a regular meeting, the Executive Board may take any action on behalf of the Section that it deems necessary and advisable and will remain in office for the duration of the emergency; provided, however, that such action shall be reported to the Section at its first regular meeting thereafter.
Section 1. The Section shall have a Nominating Committee with duties defined in the Bylaws. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Immediate-Past President as Chair, Past Presidents serving two- and three-years previously, and a member, who is a non-candidate officer, of the Executive Board appointed by the President.
Section 2. The Section shall have a Committee on Resolutions with duties defined in the Bylaws. This committee consists of the President Elect, Secretary Treasurer, Immediate-Past President, and a Unit representative as provided in the Bylaws.
Section 3. The Section shall have a Programs Committee with duties defined in the Bylaws. This committee consists of the Vice President for Programs and four members as provided in the Bylaws.
Section 4. The Section shall have an Awards Committee with duties defined in the Bylaws. This committee consists of the Vice President for Awards and Recognition and five additional members as defined in the Bylaws.
Section 5. The Section shall have a Publications and Promotion Committee with duties defined in the Bylaws. This committee shall consist of the Vice President for Publications and Promotion and up to seven additional members as defined in the Bylaws.
Section 6. Such other committees as may be required may be appointed by the President with approval of the Executive Board or by direction by vote of the Section membership.
Section 1. There shall be at least one annual Section meeting at such time and place as set by the Executive Board.
The Constitution may be amended by a favorable two-thirds vote of the members who are present at an annual meeting of the Section. Amendments may be submitted by a majority vote of the members of the Executive Board of the Section, or by petitions signed by not fewer than ten (10) members of the Section. Proposed amendments shall be circulated by mail or by electric means to members of the Section not less than thirty (30 days prior to the annual meeting at which the amendments will be presented for adoption.
(Approved April 2004)
Adopted April 26, 1963 and as amended April 19, 1966, April 14, 1967, April 4, 1978, April 7, 1981, April 8, 2003, April 6, 2004
ARTICLE I - Name and Objects
Section 1.The name of this organization shall be the Southeastern Section of the American Society for Engineering Education.
Section 2.The mission of the Section shall be to: (a) enhance and promote the development and retention of effective engineering and engineering technology faculty, and (b) promote the assessment and development of effective academic programs in engineering and engineering technology that are responsive to the constituents.
Section 3. To achieve its fundamental mission, the Section has adopted the following goals:
ARTICLE II - Membership
Section 1. Membership in the Section shall be of two general classes: Individuals and Institutional.
Section 2. Individual membership shall be comprised of persons who are active in the American Society for Engineering Education.
Section 3. A member in good standing with the national organization of ASEE and living in the area of the Section is automatically a member of the Section.
Section 4. Institutional members shall be those institutional members of the Society, as defined in the American Society for Engineering Education Constitution and Bylaws that are located within the Section boundaries.
Section 5. The Section shall cover an area designated by the national organization of ASEE and presently including Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and any Latin American and South American Countries, including the West Indies Islands, having within their boundaries an authorized Branch of ASEE.
Section 1. To serve the special and professional interests of the members of the Section and to fulfill the mission and goals of the Section, the Section shall be organized into three Units as defined by the Bylaws. These Units shall be as follows: (1) Programs, (2) Awards and Recognition, and (3) Publications and Promotion. Every five years the Executive Board shall review the Divisions comprising each Unit and make new assignments, if warranted, in accordance with Article XI of the Bylaws.
Section 2. Each Unitshall have a Chair, who shall be a Vice President of the Section, a Vice-Chair, and a Secretary.
Section 3. The Programs Unit will represent special interest divisions, while the other two Units will represent professional interests divisions.
Section 4. Divisions ofspecial or professional interests within Unitsshall have a Chair, a Vice Chair, and a Secretary. The Chair of the Division will act as liaison officer for the Division's interest. There is nothing to prevent a member of a division from participating in or hold office at the Unit level.
Section 1. The Officers of the Section shall be President, President Elect, three Vice Presidents who are Chairs of the three Units (Programs, Awards and Recognition, and Publications and Promotion), andSecretary-Treasurer. The President shall serve as the Section Chair and the Vice Presidents shall serve as the Section Vice Chairs as defined by the national ASEE constitution.
Section 2. The eligibility for office, the manner of election, and duties of the officers are set forth in the Bylaws.
Section 3.Officer terms shall be held in accordance with the following limits: (a) President-serves a one-year term; however, can serve a second term, but not consecutively; (b) three Vice Presidents representing Units--normally serve a one-year term; (c) Secretary Treasurer serves a three-year term; however, can serve a second term.
The Executive Board of the Section shall consist of the President, the President Elect, the three Vice Presidents, the Secretary-Treasurer, and the Immediate-Past President and ex officio members as specified by the Bylaws. Its function shall be to coordinate the activities of the Section. Its actions shall be final as to (a) approval of budgets, (b) meetings, (c) appointments of officers to fill emergency vacancies, and (d) determination of eligibility of institutional members.
In case of a national emergency during which it is impossible for the Section to hold a regular meeting, the Executive Board may take any action on behalf of the Section that it deems necessary and advisable and will remain in office for the duration of the emergency; provided, however, that such action shall be reported to the Section at its first regular meeting thereafter.
Section 1. The Section shall have a Nominating Committee with duties defined in the Bylaws. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Immediate-Past President as Chair, Past Presidents serving two- and three-years previously, and a member, who is a non-candidate officer, of the Executive Board appointed by the President.
Section 2. The Section shall have a Committee on Resolutions with duties defined in the Bylaws. This committee consists of the President Elect, Secretary Treasurer, Immediate-Past President, and a Unit representative as provided in the Bylaws.
Section 3. The Section shall have a Programs Committee with duties defined in the Bylaws. This committee consists of the Vice President for Programs and four members as provided in the Bylaws.
Section 4. The Section shall have an Awards Committee with duties defined in the Bylaws. This committee consists of the Vice President for Awards and Recognition and five additional members as defined in the Bylaws.
Section 5. The Section shall have a Publications and Promotion Committee with duties defined in the Bylaws. This committee shall consist of the Vice President for Publications and Promotion and up to seven additional members as defined in the Bylaws.
Section 6. Such other committees as may be required may be appointed by the President with approval of the Executive Board or by direction by vote of the Section membership.
Section 1. There shall be at least one annual Section meeting at such time and place as set by the Executive Board.
The Constitution may be amended by a favorable two-thirds vote of the members who are present at an annual meeting of the Section. Amendments may be submitted by a majority vote of the members of the Executive Board of the Section, or by petitions signed by not fewer than ten (10) members of the Section. Proposed amendments shall be circulated by mail or by electric means to members of the Section not less than thirty (30 days prior to the annual meeting at which the amendments will be presented for adoption.