Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Illinois/Indiana Section of the American Society for Engineering Education (II/ASEE)
ARTICLE II: Objectives
Section1. The objectives of the Section shall be to support and further the aims and objectives of the Society, at the Section level, as stated in the ASEE Constitution.
ARTICLE III: Membership
Section 1. Membership in the Section shall be of two classes: individual and institutional.
Section 2. Individual membership of the Section shall consist of all individual members of the Society residing within the boundaries of the Section as prescribed by the society. Within these boundaries are the state of Indiana and the state of Illinois.
Section 3. Institutional members shall be those defined in the ASEE Constitution and which are located within the Section boundaries.
ARTICLE IV: Officers
Section 1. The officers of the Section shall be the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson, the Secretary, and the Treasurer.
ARTICLE V: Executive Board
Section 1. The Executive Board of the Section shall consist of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Past Chairperson, the Past Vice Chairperson, four unit Directors, the ASEE Campus Representative Coordinator, the local Program Chairpersons of the next two annual Section meetings, the Section Newsletter Editor, and any other division representatives and committee Chairpersons the Section Chairperson may appoint to facilitate the conduct of Section business. The action of the Executive Board shall be final as to (a) dates of annual Section meetings, (b) approval of budgets, and (c) appointment of officers to fill vacancies. In case of an emergency during which it is not possible for the Section officers to perform their duties, the Executive Board may choose interim officers it deems necessary and advisable. Such persons will remain in office for the duration of the emergency or until the next Section elections--whichever happens first. Such action shall be reported to the general membership of the Section at its first regular meeting thereafter.
Section 2. The four unit Directors will represent the following fields of interest: (a) instructional, (b) research, (c) administrative, and (d) industrial.
Section 3. Eligibility for office, the manner of election or appointment, and duties of Executive Board members are set forth in the Section Bylaws.
ARTICLE VI: Committees
Section 1. A Section Nominating Committee shall annually submit a slate of nominees for elective positions at least one month prior to the annual meeting. The Past Chairperson shall serve as Chairperson of the Nominating Committee and shall be empowered to appoint the other members of that Nominating Committee. No more than two (2) members should be employed at the same institution/firm and there should be between five (5) and nine (9) members inclusive.
Section 2. A Membership Service Committee shall concern itself with ways and means by which the membership of the Section might be increased and by which the Section might be of increased service to its members. The Vice Chairperson of the Section shall serve as chair of this committee and the membership shall include the four Unit Directors and other appointees as deemed appropriate by the Section Chairperson.
Section 3. The Section chairperson may establish other committees as may be required and shall appoint the members of such committees. The Section Chairperson shall inform the Executive Board of such actions.
Section 1. There shall be at least one Section meeting per year including an annual business meeting, the time and place to be determined by the Executive Board using the procedure given in the Bylaws. The annual Section meeting shall be announced to the membership through the Section Newsletter and through the official publication(s) of the Society.
Section 2. Meetings other than the annual Section meeting shall be held at times and places designated by the Executive Board. The membership shall be informed in a manner deemed appropriate by the Executive Board.
Section 3. The Executive Director of ASEE and the chair of the Council of Sections, Zone II, shall be informed of the dates and location of the proposed annual Section meeting immediately after they are established and not later than the Annual Conference of ASEE.
Section 4. Attendance at the annual section meeting is open to all persons interested in engineering education.
Section 5. Financial arrangements and budget for conducting an annual Section meeting prepared by a host institution must be approved by the Executive Board.
ARTICLE VIII: Quorum and Voting
Section 1. A quorum for the Executive Board shall consist of one half of the members of the Executive Board explicitly named in Article V, Section 1.
Section 2. A quorum for a business meeting of the Section shall consist of one-half of the members of the Section registered at the duly scheduled annual Section meeting.
Section 3. All members of the Section registered at the duly scheduled annual Section meeting are entitled to vote.
Section 4. A simple majority of those voting shall be required for action, except as otherwise specified in this Constitution or the Section Bylaws.
ARTICLE IX: Amendments
Section 1. This Constitution may be amended by a favorable vote of two-thirds of the votes cast at the annual business meeting of the Section, provided a quorum has been declared. Amendments may be submitted by a majority vote of the members of the Executive Board of the Section or by a petition signed by no fewer than ten members of the Section. Proposed amendments shall be made available to all members of the Section no less than 30 days prior to the annual Section meeting at which the amendments are to be presented for adoption.
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Illinois/Indiana Section of the American Society for Engineering Education (II/ASEE)
ARTICLE II: Objectives
Section1. The objectives of the Section shall be to support and further the aims and objectives of the Society, at the Section level, as stated in the ASEE Constitution.
ARTICLE III: Membership
Section 1. Membership in the Section shall be of two classes: individual and institutional.
Section 2. Individual membership of the Section shall consist of all individual members of the Society residing within the boundaries of the Section as prescribed by the society. Within these boundaries are the state of Indiana and the state of Illinois.
Section 3. Institutional members shall be those defined in the ASEE Constitution and which are located within the Section boundaries.
ARTICLE IV: Officers
Section 1. The officers of the Section shall be the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson, the Secretary, and the Treasurer.
ARTICLE V: Executive Board
Section 1. The Executive Board of the Section shall consist of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Past Chairperson, the Past Vice Chairperson, four unit Directors, the ASEE Campus Representative Coordinator, the local Program Chairpersons of the next two annual Section meetings, the Section Newsletter Editor, and any other division representatives and committee Chairpersons the Section Chairperson may appoint to facilitate the conduct of Section business. The action of the Executive Board shall be final as to (a) dates of annual Section meetings, (b) approval of budgets, and (c) appointment of officers to fill vacancies. In case of an emergency during which it is not possible for the Section officers to perform their duties, the Executive Board may choose interim officers it deems necessary and advisable. Such persons will remain in office for the duration of the emergency or until the next Section elections--whichever happens first. Such action shall be reported to the general membership of the Section at its first regular meeting thereafter.
Section 2. The four unit Directors will represent the following fields of interest: (a) instructional, (b) research, (c) administrative, and (d) industrial.
Section 3. Eligibility for office, the manner of election or appointment, and duties of Executive Board members are set forth in the Section Bylaws.
ARTICLE VI: Committees
Section 1. A Section Nominating Committee shall annually submit a slate of nominees for elective positions at least one month prior to the annual meeting. The Past Chairperson shall serve as Chairperson of the Nominating Committee and shall be empowered to appoint the other members of that Nominating Committee. No more than two (2) members should be employed at the same institution/firm and there should be between five (5) and nine (9) members inclusive.
Section 2. A Membership Service Committee shall concern itself with ways and means by which the membership of the Section might be increased and by which the Section might be of increased service to its members. The Vice Chairperson of the Section shall serve as chair of this committee and the membership shall include the four Unit Directors and other appointees as deemed appropriate by the Section Chairperson.
Section 3. The Section chairperson may establish other committees as may be required and shall appoint the members of such committees. The Section Chairperson shall inform the Executive Board of such actions.
Section 1. There shall be at least one Section meeting per year including an annual business meeting, the time and place to be determined by the Executive Board using the procedure given in the Bylaws. The annual Section meeting shall be announced to the membership through the Section Newsletter and through the official publication(s) of the Society.
Section 2. Meetings other than the annual Section meeting shall be held at times and places designated by the Executive Board. The membership shall be informed in a manner deemed appropriate by the Executive Board.
Section 3. The Executive Director of ASEE and the chair of the Council of Sections, Zone II, shall be informed of the dates and location of the proposed annual Section meeting immediately after they are established and not later than the Annual Conference of ASEE.
Section 4. Attendance at the annual section meeting is open to all persons interested in engineering education.
Section 5. Financial arrangements and budget for conducting an annual Section meeting prepared by a host institution must be approved by the Executive Board.
ARTICLE VIII: Quorum and Voting
Section 1. A quorum for the Executive Board shall consist of one half of the members of the Executive Board explicitly named in Article V, Section 1.
Section 2. A quorum for a business meeting of the Section shall consist of one-half of the members of the Section registered at the duly scheduled annual Section meeting.
Section 3. All members of the Section registered at the duly scheduled annual Section meeting are entitled to vote.
Section 4. A simple majority of those voting shall be required for action, except as otherwise specified in this Constitution or the Section Bylaws.
ARTICLE IX: Amendments
Section 1. This Constitution may be amended by a favorable vote of two-thirds of the votes cast at the annual business meeting of the Section, provided a quorum has been declared. Amendments may be submitted by a majority vote of the members of the Executive Board of the Section or by a petition signed by no fewer than ten members of the Section. Proposed amendments shall be made available to all members of the Section no less than 30 days prior to the annual Section meeting at which the amendments are to be presented for adoption.