"ABB Receives ASEE President's Award." 9/97, 42.
"ASEE-ABET Assessment Conference." 12/97, 40.
Peterson, George D. "Engineering Criteria 2000: A Bold New Change Agent." 9/97, 30-34.
Coppula, Deborah. "Engineering Accessibility." 9/97, 14.
Advanced Technology Program
"Advanced Technology Program Revised." 1/98, 12.
Affirmative Action
"Negative Response to Affirmative Action." 9/97, 9.
LeBold, William K. and LeBold, Dona J. "Women Engineers: A Historical Perspective." 3/98, 30-32.
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
"Career Guidance Sampler." 3/98, 10.
"Reel Engineers." 12/97, 10.
Alternative Fuel Vehicles
Gibney, Kate. "So What Is Engineering?" 3/98, 14.
"Fill 'Er Up with Liquid Nitrogen." 3/98, 16.
"Aluminum 101." 10/97, 16.
Army Research Laboratory Fellowship
"Army Research Laboratory." 2/98, 37.
"The Art of Engineering." 2/98, 15.
Artificial Intelligence
Coppula, Deborah. "Artificial Intelligence." 2/98, 18-23.
Huband, Frank L. "Learning About Learning." 2/98, 4.
"American Society for Engineering Education 1997 Division and Section Awards." 10/97, 43-46.
"ASEE Conducts Ph.D. Employment Survey." 4/98, 32.
"ASEE Upgrades Its Web Site." 10/97, 30.
"ASEE 1997 Conference and Exposition: Contemplating Our Future." 9/97, 38-39.
"Broome Community College." 2/98, 34.
"1997 ASEE National Award Winners." 9/97, 48-49.
"Nominees for 1998 ASEE Elections." 11/97, 38-43.
ASEE Annual Conference
"1998 ASEE Exposition." 3/98, 34-36.
"ASEE 1997 Conference and Exposition: Contemplating Our Future." 9/97, 38-39.
"Conference Highlights." 5/98, 47-102
"Destination: Seattle." 1/98, 34-36.
"Impressive Speaker Roster Set for Annual Conference." 4/98, 30.
"Footloose in Seattle." 5/98, 36-43.
"Mini-Plenaries." 4/98, 31.
"New Program Honors the Best Conference Papers." 4/98, 32.
"Tour Seattle: The Emerald City." 2/98, 32-34.
ASEE Annual Report
"ASEE FY 1997 in Review." 4/98, insert.
ASEE Public Policy Colloquium
"A Brighter Outlook on Capitol Hill." 5/98, 102-103.
Aldridge, M. Dayne and Benefield, Larry D. "A Model Assessment Plan." 5/98, 22-28.
"ASEE-ABET Assessment Conference." 12/97, 40.
"Assessment Principles." 10/97, 10.
Feisel, Lyle. "On Death and Dying." 2/98, 35.
Huband, Frank L. "Assessing Outcomes Assessment." 9/97, 4.
Lohmann, Jack. "Voice of Experience." 5/98, 124.
Huband, Frank L. "Assessment Framework." 12/97, 4.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller. "A Measure of Success." 12/97, 24-29.
Peterson, George D. "Engineering Criteria 2000: A Bold New Change Agent." 9/97, 30-34.
Asynchronous Learning Networks
Huband, Frank. "Generation ALN." 4/98, 4.
Panitz, Beth. "Learning On Demand." 4/98, 18-24.
Coppula, Deborah."Charting New Courses."12/97, 14.
Automotive Design
Ercolano, Vincent. "Students, Start Your Designs!" 1/98, 16.
"New Program Honors the Best Conference Papers." 4/98, 32.
"Booknotes." 12/97, 30-35.
DoD Grants Available. 3/98, 11.
Panitz, Beth. "Hatching Successful Businesses." 1/98, 24-29.
Sovilla, E. Sam. "Co-op's 90-Year Odyssey." 1/98, 18-23.
Career Training
Ruhala, Laura A. and Richard J. Ruhala. "Moving from Student to Teacher." 11/97, 52.
Morgan, Robert P.; Reid, Proctor P.; and Wulf, Wm. A. "The Changing Nature of Engineering." 5/98, 12-17.
Community Colleges
"Community College Connection." 11/97, 10.
Community Service
"Designing a Difference." 9/97, 22.
"Calling All Student Inventors." 3/98, 10
Computer Bugs
"Cyberdetectives Uncover Security Bug." 9/97, 23.
Computer Technology
Coppula, Deborah. "Artificial Intelligence." 2/98, 18-23.
Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration (CIEC)
"CIEC Emphasizes Collaboration." 5/98, 102.
"Four ASEE Divisions Sponsor Conference." 1/98, 38.
Cooperative Education
Huband, Frank L. "Practical Experience." 1/98, 4.
Sovilla, E. Sam. "Co-op's 90-Year Odyssey." 1/98, 18-23.
Condit, Phillip
"Impressive Speaker Roster Set for Annual Conference." 4/98, 30.
Panitz, Beth. "View from the Cockpit." 5/98, 30-31.
Sovilla, E. Sam. "Co-op's 90-Year Odyssey." 1/98, 18-23.
Cooperative Learning
Huband, Frank L. "Learning About Learning." 2/98, 4.
Johnson, David W., Roger T. Johnson, and Karl A. Smith. "Maximizing Instruction through Cooperative Learning." 2/98, 24-29.
Coppula, Deborah. "Intellectual Property: Policies, Practices, and Possible Time Bombs." 10/97, 18-29.
"Navigating Copyright Law." 4/98, 11.
Gibney, Kate. "Awakening Creativity." 3/98, 18-23.
Huband, Frank. "Fostering Creativity." 3/98, 4.
Panitz, Beth. "Brain Storms." 3/98, 24-29.
Curricular Reform
Morgan, Robert P.; Reid, Proctor P.; and Wulf, Wm. A. "The Changing Nature of Engineering." 5/98, 12-17
Payne, Rodger. "Common Goals." 1/98, 56.
Truxal, John. "Second Call ." 2/98, 48.
"Experimenting in Cyberspace." 4/98, 16.
"Exploring Technology through Multidisciplinary Research Teams." 4/98, 17.
Huband, Frank. "Generation ALN." 4/98, 4.
Panitz, Beth. "Learning On Demand." 4/98, 18-24.
"Engineering Degrees Hold Steady in 1996-97." 4/98, 10.
Lashley, Paulette. "Enrollments '96: Inching Downward." 9/97, 30-34.
Design Competitions
"National Design Graphics Competition." 11/97, 36.
"Dilbert: The Ethics Instructor." 9/97, 9.
Distance Education
"Going the Distance." 2/98, 9.
Panitz, Beth. "Learning On Demand." 4/98, 18-24.
"Celebration of Women in Engineering Project." 3/98, 31.
Coppula, Deborah. "Engineering Accessibility." 9/97, 14.
Coppula, Deborah. "Retreating for Advancement." 11/97, 13.
Ercolano, Vincent. "Mother-Daughter Academy." 2/98, 13.
Gibney, Kate. "The Gender Game." 4/98, 14.
LeBold, William K. and LeBold, Dona J. "Women Engineers: A Historical Perspective." 3/98, 30-32.
"Negative Response to Affirmative Action." 9/97, 9.
"No Gender Bias in NSF Funding." 2/98, 9.
Divisions (ASEE)
"Divisions Report." 11/97, 35.
"EDG Division Draws a Varied Group." 3/98, 37.
"Four ASEE Divisions Sponsor Conference." 1/98, 38.
"Inspiring the Next Generation of Inventors." 1/98, 11.
Efficiency in Engineering Education
Gerhardt, Lester A. "Timely Concerns." 12/97, 12.
Electronic Books
"A Paperless Book." 12/97, 17.
Employment Trends
"America's New Deficit: The Shortage of Information Technology Workers." 2/98, 30-31.
Burton, Lawrence; Parker, Linda; and LeBold, William K. "U.S. Engineering Career Trends." 5/98, 18-21.
Gerhardt, Lester A. "Safeguarding University Research." 1/98, 14.
Engineering Criteria 2000
Aldridge, M. Dayne and Benefield, Larry D. "A Model Assessment Plan." 5/98, 22-28.
"ASEE-ABET Conference Assessment Conference." 12/97, 40.
Feisel, Lyle. "On Death and Dying." 2/98, 35.
Huband, Frank L. "Assessment Framework." 12/97, 4.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller. "A Measure of Success." 12/97, 24-29.
Peterson, George D. "Engineering Criteria 2000: A Bold New Change Agent." 9/97, 30-34.
Engineering on Television
"Prime-Time Engineering." 1/98, 13.
Engineering Technology Leadership Institute
"Engineering Technology Leadership Institute." 3/98, 36-37.
Engineers in Films
"Reel Engineers." 12/97, 10.
Lashley, Paulette. "Enrollments '96: Inching Downward." 9/97, 30-34.
"A Bridge to Professional Ethics" 4/98, 11.
"Dilbert: The Ethics Instructor." 9/97, 9.
"U.S.-Russian Ethics Workshop." 12/97, 40-42.
Faculty Evaluations
"A Yardstick for Evaluating Faculty." 1/98, 12.
Federal Advisory Committee Act
"Congress Exempts NAS from Government Regulation." 3/98, 10.
Augustine, Norman R. "Political Interference." 12/97, 56.
Federal Funding
Phillips, Winfred M.. "Supporting Our Research Infrastructure." 3/98, 48.
Feisel, Lyle
Feisel, Lyle. "On Death and Dying." 2/98, 35.
Feisel, Lyle. "The Scholarship of Integration." 5/98, 100.
Feisel, Lyle. "Teaching Doesn't Matter." 12/97, 38.
Feisel, Lyle. "Technophobia Deja Vu." 10/97, 39.
"Meet Lyle Feisel." 9/97, 40.
Fellowship Programs
"Army Research Laboratory Fellowships." 3/98, 35.
"NRL Fellowships." 1/98, 38.
"ONR Fellowships." 1/98, 38.
"Postdoctoral Programs." 1/98, 38.
Freshman Retreat
Coppula, Deborah. "Retreating for Advancement." 11/97, 13.
Frontiers in Education Conference
"Exploring Education's Frontiers." 3/98, 36.
"Frontiers in Education Conference."9/97, 41.
FutureCar Challenge
"Building More Than a Better Car." 5/98, 101.
Coppula, Deborah. "Exhibiting Their Talent." 11/97, 14.
Ercolano, Vincent. "Mother-Daughter Academy." 2/98, 13.
LeBold, William K. and LeBold, Dona J. "Women Engineers: A Historical Perspective." 3/98, 30-32.
Global Connections
Coppula, Deborah. "Charting New Courses." 12/97, 14.
Gibney, Kate. "Global Vision." 2/98, 14.
Global Engineering Education Exchange
Gerhardt, Lester A. "Internationalizing Education." 2/98, 12.
Gerhardt, Lester A. "Internationalizing Education." 2/98, 12.
Goals 2000
Truxal, John G. "Second Call." 2/98, 48.
Gerhardt, Lester A."A Valued Partner." 4/98, 14.
"Inspiring the Next Generation of Inventors." 1/98, 11.
Marin, Mark. "NSF Adopts New Review Criteria." 10/97, 10.
Marin, Mark. "Special NSF Update: Investing in the Ideal University." 11/97, 26-28.
"Career Guidance Sampler." 3/98, 10.
Hocker, John R. "Honoring Our Heroes." 10/97, 56.
Industrial Advisory Boards
Coppula, Deborah. "The Texas Three-Step." 10/97, 14.
Industrial Research Institute/ASEE Faculty Fellow Program
Huband, Frank L. "Practical Experience." 1/98, 4.
Industry-University Partnerships
McCullough, Lynda. "Progressive Partnerships." 1/98, 30-33.
Payne, Rodger. "Common Goals." 1/98, 56.
Information Technology
"America's New Deficit: The Shortage of Information Technology Workers." 2/98, 30-31.
Integrated Curricula
Coppula, Deborah. "Integrating Teaching and Research." 12/97, 18-22.
Feisel, Lyle. "The Scholarship of Integration." 5/98, 100.
Panitz, Beth. "The Integrated Curriculum." 9/97, 24-29.
Intellectual Property
Coppula, Deborah. "Intellectual Property: Policies, Practices, and Possible Time Bombs." 10/97, 18-29.
McCullough, Lynda. "Progressive Partnerships." 1/98, 30-33.
"The Path to Commercialization." 12/97, 11.
Interdisciplinary Research
Marin, Mark. "Special NSF Update: Investing in the Ideal University." 11/97, 26-28.
International (also see Study Abroad)
Coppula, Deborah. "Charting New Courses." 12/97, 14.
Gerhardt, Lester A. "Internationalizing Education." 2/98, 12.
"Global Volunteers." 10/97, 11.
"International Arrivals and Departures." 4/98, 11.
International Education and Internship Program
Gibney, Kate. "Global Vision." 2/98, 14.
"Calling All Student Inventors." 3/98, 10.
"Inspiring the Next Generation of Inventors." 1/98, 11.
Journal of Engineering Education
"Journal Honors Best Papers." 11/97, 36.
Junior Engineering Technical Society (JETS)
Coppula, Deborah. "Fueling Interest in Technology." 9/97, 18-19.
Laboratory Buildings
"The Largest Learning Tool on Campus." 9/97, 21.
Laboratory Equipment
"High-Tech Hand-Me-Downs." 10/97, 17.
Learning Factory
"Direct From the Factory Floor." 11/97, 17.
"Toys for Tufts." 12/97, 16.
Thomes, Katherine and Clay, Karen. "University Libraries in Transition." 4/98, 26-29.
"Guide to Licensing Laws." 10/97, 9.
Maintenance and Reliability Practices
McCullough, Lynda. "Progressive Partnerships." 1/98, 30-33.
Manufacturing Education
"Direct From the Factory Floor." 11/97, 17.
"Industry Finds Flaw with Manufacturing Education." 2/98, 11.
Minorities (also see Diversity, Girls, and Women)
Coppula, Deborah. "Retreating for Advancement." 11/97, 13.
Multiple Choice
"Writing Multiple Choice Items." 11/97, 9.
Coppula, Deborah. "Exhibiting Their Talent." 11/97, 14.
Mustang Project
Ercolano, Vincent. "Students, Start Your Designs!" 1/98, 16.
"Uplifting Research." 10/97, 9.
"Riding the Vomit Comet." 3/98, 9.
National Academy of Engineering
"Celebration of Women in Engineering Project." 3/98, 31.
National Academy of Sciences
Augustine, Norman R. "Political Interference." 12/97, 56.
National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance (NCIIA)
"Inspiring the Next Generation of Inventors." 1/98, 11.
National Conference on Outcomes Assessment
"ASEE-ABET Conference Assessment Conference." 12/97, 40.
National Effective Teaching Institute (NETI)
"NETI Always Draws A Crowd." 12/97, 36-37.
National Engineers Week
"National Engineers Week '98." 1/98, 13.
National Medal of Science/National Medal of Technology
Hocker, John R. "Honoring Our Heroes." 10/97, 56.
National Science Foundation
"Do Research Costs Raise Tuition Charges?" 12/97, 10.
Gerhardt, Lester A."A Valued Partner." 4/98, 14.
Huband, Frank. "Fostering Creativity." 3/98, 4.
"Investing in the Ideal University." 11/97, 26-28.
"In Brief." 3/98, 16.
Marin, Mark. "NSF Adopts New Review Criteria." 10/97, 10.
Marin, Mark. "Special NSF Update: Investing in the Ideal University." 11/97, 26-28.
"No Gender Bias in NSF Funding." 2/98, 9.
Krupczak, John. "Demystifying Technology." 10/97, 30-34.
Olin Foundation
"$200 Million Pledged for New Engineering School."11/97, 10.
Paper Writing
"The Elements of Research Writing." 2/98, 10-11.
Coppula, Deborah. "Intellectual Property: Policies, Practices, and Possible Time Bombs." 10/97, 18-29.
"The Path to Commercialization." 12/97, 11.
"ASEE Conducts Ph.D. Employment Survey." 4/98, 32.
"The 15-Minute Lecturer." 2/98, 17.
"Putting a Stop to Code Plagiarism" 4/98, 9.
"ASEE Offers Precollege Tools." 11/97, 34.
"Career Guidance Sampler." 3/98, 10.
Coppula, Deborah. "Exhibiting Their Talent." 11/97, 14.
Coppula, Deborah. "Fueling Interest in Technology." 9/97, 18-19.
Ercolano, Vincent. "Mother-Daughter Academy." 2/98, 13.
Ercolano, Vincent. "Students, Start Your Designs!" 1/98, 16.
Gibney, Kate. "So What Is Engineering?" 3/98, 14.
Feisel, Lyle. "On Death and Dying." 2/98, 35.
Feisel, Lyle. "The Scholarship of Integration." 5/98, 100.
Feisel, Lyle. "Teaching Doesn't Matter." 12/97, 38.
Feisel, Lyle. "Technophobia Deja Vu." 10/97, 39.
"Meet Lyle Feisel." 9/97, 40.
"ASEE PRISM Wins National Awards." 9/97, 41-42.
Project Evaluation Matrix
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller. "A Measure of Success." 12/97, 24-29.
Proposal Writing
"Proposal Pitfalls." 3/98, 11.
Publish or Perish
Tien, Chang-Li. "A Do-or-Die World." 4/98, 11.
Pumpkin Drop
"Smashing Pumpkins." 10/97, 17.
Rathmann, George
Gibney, Kate. "Prescription for Success." 5/98, 32-33.
"Impressive Speaker Roster Set for Annual Conference." 4/98, 30.
Remote Experimentation
"A Remote Control Laboratory." 9/97, 23.
"Do Research Costs Raise Tuition Charges?" 12/97, 10.
Gerhardt, Lester A."A Valued Partner." 4/98, 14.
Gerhardt, Lester A. "Finding a Fair Measure." 9/97, 12.
Gerhardt, Lester A. "Internationalizing Education." 2/98, 12.
Gerhardt, Lester A. "Marketing Your Research Strengths." 3/98, 12.
Gerhardt, Lester A. "Research Directions." 11/97, 12.
Gerhardt, Lester A. "Safeguarding University Research." 1/98, 14.
Gerhardt, Lester A. "Timely Concerns." 12/97, 12.
Lott, Trent. "The Case for Research." 9/97, 60.
Phillips, Winfred. " Supporting Our Research Infrastructure." 33/98, 48.
"Proposal Pitfalls." 3/98, 11.
"Proposed Increases in Research Funding." 4/98, 10.
"R&D Spending on the Rise." 4/98, 9.
"Summer Research Assistance." 4/98, 10.
"R&D Spending on the Rise." 4/98, 9.
Research and Teaching
Coppula, Deborah. "Integrating Teaching and Research." 12/97, 18-22.
Gerhardt, Lester A. "Adjusting the Balance." 10/97, 12.
Marin, Mark. "Special NSF Update: Investing in the Ideal University." 11/97, 26-28.
"Scholarly Comparison." 11/97, 11.
"U.S.-Russian Ethics Workshop." 12/97, 40-42.
"Survey Claims Inflation Outpaces 1996-97 Faculty Salary Increases." 11/97, 9.
Sloan Foundation
"Career Guidance Sampler." 3/98, 10.
"Reel Engineers." 12/97, 10.
Soft Skills
"A Magazine for Today's Engineer." 3/98, 11.
Truxal, John. "Second Call." 2/98, 48.
"Stress Points." 10/97, 11.
Student Chapter Report
"Broome Community College." 2/98, 34.
Student Recommendations
"Writing Letters of Recommendation." 12/97, 11.
Student Research
"Uplifting Research." 10/97, 9.
Student Success
Landis, Ray. "Enhancing Student Success." 11/97, 30-32.
Student Surveys
"In Good Company." 2/98, 11.
Study-Abroad Programs (also see International)
Gerhardt, Lester A. "Internationalizing Education." 2/98, 12.
Gibney, Kate. "Global Vision." 2/98, 14.
"International Arrivals and Departures." 4/98, 11.
Study Habits
Landis, Ray. "Enhancing Student Success." 11/97, 30-32.
"ASEE Conducts Ph.D. Employment Survey." 4/98, 32.
Sustainable Development
"ASEE/AAES Initiative on Sustainable Development." 3/98, 37.
Systems Engineering
Huband, Frank L. "Total System Design." 11/97, 4.
Panitz, Beth. "Training Technology's Maestros." 11/97, 18-24.
Coppula, Deborah. "Integrating Teaching and Research." 12/97, 18-22.
Feisel, Lyle. "Teaching Doesn't Matter." 12/97, 38.
Feisel, Lyle. "Technophobia Deja Vu." 10/97, 39.
Landis, Ray. "Enhancing Student Success." 11/97, 30-32.
"NETI Always Draws A Crowd." 12/97, 36-37.
Wankat, Phillip. "Educating Teachers." 4/98, 40.
Teaching Assistants
"Foreign T.A.s: Do They Hinder Student Performance?" 11/97, 11.
Teaching Technique
"Hands-On Experience." 1/98, 10.
Landis, Ray. "Enhancing Student Success." 11/97, 30-32.
"The Art of Engineering." 2/98, 15.
"The 15-Minute Lecturer." 2/98, 17.
"Wait Three Seconds." 10/97, p. 11.
Wankat, Phillip. "Educating Teachers." 4/98, 40.
"Exploring Technology through Multidisciplinary Research Teams." 4/98, 17.
"Team Players." 12/97, 9.
Technological Literacy
Huband, Frank L. "Technological Literacy." 10/97, 4.
Krupczak, John. "Demystifying Technology." 10/97, 30-34.
Feisel, Lyle. "Technophobia Deja Vu." 10/97, 39.
"Experimenting in Cyberspace." 4/98, 16.
"Exploring Technology through Multidisciplinary Research Teams." 4/98, 17.
Thomes, Katherine and Clay, Karen. "University Libraries in Transition." 4/98, 26-29.
"Top 10 Technological Challenges." 9/97, 11.
Technology Courses
Krupczak, John. "Demystifying Technology." 10/97, 30-34.
Technological Transfer
DoD Grants Available. 3/98, 11.
"A Nontenure Evaluation System." 3/98, 17.
"A Yardstick for Evaluating Faculty." 1/98, 12.
"On Tenure," 9/97, 9.
"Tenure: Could God Make the Cut?" 11/97, 10.
Today's Engineer
"A Magazine for Today's Engineer." 3/98, 11.
Tuition Costs
"Do Research Costs Raise Tuition Charges?" 12/97, 10.
University-Based Business Incubators
Panitz, Beth. "Hatching Successful Businesses." 1/98, 24-29.
Virtual Laboratories
"Experimenting in Cyberspace." 4/98, 16.
Visiting Scholars Program
Huband, Frank. "Fostering Creativity." 3/98, 4.
Wait Time
"Wait Three Seconds." 10/97, p. 11.
Women (also see Diversity)
"Celebration of Women in Engineering Project." 3/98, 31.
Ercolano, Vincent. "Mother-Daughter Academy." 2/98, 13.
Gibney, Kate. "The Gender Game." 4/98, 14.
LeBold, William K. and LeBold, Dona J. "Women Engineers: A Historical Perspective ." 3/98, 30-32.
"No Gender Bias in NSF Funding." 2/98, 9.
Zone I (ASEE)
"Zone I Conducts First Zonewide Meeting." 9/97, 41.
"ABB Receives ASEE President's Award." 9/97, 42.
"ASEE-ABET Assessment Conference." 12/97, 40.
Peterson, George D. "Engineering Criteria 2000: A Bold New Change Agent." 9/97, 30-34.
Coppula, Deborah. "Engineering Accessibility." 9/97, 14.
Advanced Technology Program
"Advanced Technology Program Revised." 1/98, 12.
Affirmative Action
"Negative Response to Affirmative Action." 9/97, 9.
LeBold, William K. and LeBold, Dona J. "Women Engineers: A Historical Perspective." 3/98, 30-32.
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
"Career Guidance Sampler." 3/98, 10.
"Reel Engineers." 12/97, 10.
Alternative Fuel Vehicles
Gibney, Kate. "So What Is Engineering?" 3/98, 14.
"Fill 'Er Up with Liquid Nitrogen." 3/98, 16.
"Aluminum 101." 10/97, 16.
Army Research Laboratory Fellowship
"Army Research Laboratory." 2/98, 37.
"The Art of Engineering." 2/98, 15.
Artificial Intelligence
Coppula, Deborah. "Artificial Intelligence." 2/98, 18-23.
Huband, Frank L. "Learning About Learning." 2/98, 4.
"American Society for Engineering Education 1997 Division and Section Awards." 10/97, 43-46.
"ASEE Conducts Ph.D. Employment Survey." 4/98, 32.
"ASEE Upgrades Its Web Site." 10/97, 30.
"ASEE 1997 Conference and Exposition: Contemplating Our Future." 9/97, 38-39.
"Broome Community College." 2/98, 34.
"1997 ASEE National Award Winners." 9/97, 48-49.
"Nominees for 1998 ASEE Elections." 11/97, 38-43.
ASEE Annual Conference
"1998 ASEE Exposition." 3/98, 34-36.
"ASEE 1997 Conference and Exposition: Contemplating Our Future." 9/97, 38-39.
"Conference Highlights." 5/98, 47-102
"Destination: Seattle." 1/98, 34-36.
"Impressive Speaker Roster Set for Annual Conference." 4/98, 30.
"Footloose in Seattle." 5/98, 36-43.
"Mini-Plenaries." 4/98, 31.
"New Program Honors the Best Conference Papers." 4/98, 32.
"Tour Seattle: The Emerald City." 2/98, 32-34.
ASEE Annual Report
"ASEE FY 1997 in Review." 4/98, insert.
ASEE Public Policy Colloquium
"A Brighter Outlook on Capitol Hill." 5/98, 102-103.
Aldridge, M. Dayne and Benefield, Larry D. "A Model Assessment Plan." 5/98, 22-28.
"ASEE-ABET Assessment Conference." 12/97, 40.
"Assessment Principles." 10/97, 10.
Feisel, Lyle. "On Death and Dying." 2/98, 35.
Huband, Frank L. "Assessing Outcomes Assessment." 9/97, 4.
Lohmann, Jack. "Voice of Experience." 5/98, 124.
Huband, Frank L. "Assessment Framework." 12/97, 4.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller. "A Measure of Success." 12/97, 24-29.
Peterson, George D. "Engineering Criteria 2000: A Bold New Change Agent." 9/97, 30-34.
Asynchronous Learning Networks
Huband, Frank. "Generation ALN." 4/98, 4.
Panitz, Beth. "Learning On Demand." 4/98, 18-24.
Coppula, Deborah."Charting New Courses."12/97, 14.
Automotive Design
Ercolano, Vincent. "Students, Start Your Designs!" 1/98, 16.
"New Program Honors the Best Conference Papers." 4/98, 32.
"Booknotes." 12/97, 30-35.
DoD Grants Available. 3/98, 11.
Panitz, Beth. "Hatching Successful Businesses." 1/98, 24-29.
Sovilla, E. Sam. "Co-op's 90-Year Odyssey." 1/98, 18-23.
Career Training
Ruhala, Laura A. and Richard J. Ruhala. "Moving from Student to Teacher." 11/97, 52.
Morgan, Robert P.; Reid, Proctor P.; and Wulf, Wm. A. "The Changing Nature of Engineering." 5/98, 12-17.
Community Colleges
"Community College Connection." 11/97, 10.
Community Service
"Designing a Difference." 9/97, 22.
"Calling All Student Inventors." 3/98, 10
Computer Bugs
"Cyberdetectives Uncover Security Bug." 9/97, 23.
Computer Technology
Coppula, Deborah. "Artificial Intelligence." 2/98, 18-23.
Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration (CIEC)
"CIEC Emphasizes Collaboration." 5/98, 102.
"Four ASEE Divisions Sponsor Conference." 1/98, 38.
Cooperative Education
Huband, Frank L. "Practical Experience." 1/98, 4.
Sovilla, E. Sam. "Co-op's 90-Year Odyssey." 1/98, 18-23.
Condit, Phillip
"Impressive Speaker Roster Set for Annual Conference." 4/98, 30.
Panitz, Beth. "View from the Cockpit." 5/98, 30-31.
Sovilla, E. Sam. "Co-op's 90-Year Odyssey." 1/98, 18-23.
Cooperative Learning
Huband, Frank L. "Learning About Learning." 2/98, 4.
Johnson, David W., Roger T. Johnson, and Karl A. Smith. "Maximizing Instruction through Cooperative Learning." 2/98, 24-29.
Coppula, Deborah. "Intellectual Property: Policies, Practices, and Possible Time Bombs." 10/97, 18-29.
"Navigating Copyright Law." 4/98, 11.
Gibney, Kate. "Awakening Creativity." 3/98, 18-23.
Huband, Frank. "Fostering Creativity." 3/98, 4.
Panitz, Beth. "Brain Storms." 3/98, 24-29.
Curricular Reform
Morgan, Robert P.; Reid, Proctor P.; and Wulf, Wm. A. "The Changing Nature of Engineering." 5/98, 12-17
Payne, Rodger. "Common Goals." 1/98, 56.
Truxal, John. "Second Call ." 2/98, 48.
"Experimenting in Cyberspace." 4/98, 16.
"Exploring Technology through Multidisciplinary Research Teams." 4/98, 17.
Huband, Frank. "Generation ALN." 4/98, 4.
Panitz, Beth. "Learning On Demand." 4/98, 18-24.
"Engineering Degrees Hold Steady in 1996-97." 4/98, 10.
Lashley, Paulette. "Enrollments '96: Inching Downward." 9/97, 30-34.
Design Competitions
"National Design Graphics Competition." 11/97, 36.
"Dilbert: The Ethics Instructor." 9/97, 9.
Distance Education
"Going the Distance." 2/98, 9.
Panitz, Beth. "Learning On Demand." 4/98, 18-24.
"Celebration of Women in Engineering Project." 3/98, 31.
Coppula, Deborah. "Engineering Accessibility." 9/97, 14.
Coppula, Deborah. "Retreating for Advancement." 11/97, 13.
Ercolano, Vincent. "Mother-Daughter Academy." 2/98, 13.
Gibney, Kate. "The Gender Game." 4/98, 14.
LeBold, William K. and LeBold, Dona J. "Women Engineers: A Historical Perspective." 3/98, 30-32.
"Negative Response to Affirmative Action." 9/97, 9.
"No Gender Bias in NSF Funding." 2/98, 9.
Divisions (ASEE)
"Divisions Report." 11/97, 35.
"EDG Division Draws a Varied Group." 3/98, 37.
"Four ASEE Divisions Sponsor Conference." 1/98, 38.
"Inspiring the Next Generation of Inventors." 1/98, 11.
Efficiency in Engineering Education
Gerhardt, Lester A. "Timely Concerns." 12/97, 12.
Electronic Books
"A Paperless Book." 12/97, 17.
Employment Trends
"America's New Deficit: The Shortage of Information Technology Workers." 2/98, 30-31.
Burton, Lawrence; Parker, Linda; and LeBold, William K. "U.S. Engineering Career Trends." 5/98, 18-21.
Gerhardt, Lester A. "Safeguarding University Research." 1/98, 14.
Engineering Criteria 2000
Aldridge, M. Dayne and Benefield, Larry D. "A Model Assessment Plan." 5/98, 22-28.
"ASEE-ABET Conference Assessment Conference." 12/97, 40.
Feisel, Lyle. "On Death and Dying." 2/98, 35.
Huband, Frank L. "Assessment Framework." 12/97, 4.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller. "A Measure of Success." 12/97, 24-29.
Peterson, George D. "Engineering Criteria 2000: A Bold New Change Agent." 9/97, 30-34.
Engineering on Television
"Prime-Time Engineering." 1/98, 13.
Engineering Technology Leadership Institute
"Engineering Technology Leadership Institute." 3/98, 36-37.
Engineers in Films
"Reel Engineers." 12/97, 10.
Lashley, Paulette. "Enrollments '96: Inching Downward." 9/97, 30-34.
"A Bridge to Professional Ethics" 4/98, 11.
"Dilbert: The Ethics Instructor." 9/97, 9.
"U.S.-Russian Ethics Workshop." 12/97, 40-42.
Faculty Evaluations
"A Yardstick for Evaluating Faculty." 1/98, 12.
Federal Advisory Committee Act
"Congress Exempts NAS from Government Regulation." 3/98, 10.
Augustine, Norman R. "Political Interference." 12/97, 56.
Federal Funding
Phillips, Winfred M.. "Supporting Our Research Infrastructure." 3/98, 48.
Feisel, Lyle
Feisel, Lyle. "On Death and Dying." 2/98, 35.
Feisel, Lyle. "The Scholarship of Integration." 5/98, 100.
Feisel, Lyle. "Teaching Doesn't Matter." 12/97, 38.
Feisel, Lyle. "Technophobia Deja Vu." 10/97, 39.
"Meet Lyle Feisel." 9/97, 40.
Fellowship Programs
"Army Research Laboratory Fellowships." 3/98, 35.
"NRL Fellowships." 1/98, 38.
"ONR Fellowships." 1/98, 38.
"Postdoctoral Programs." 1/98, 38.
Freshman Retreat
Coppula, Deborah. "Retreating for Advancement." 11/97, 13.
Frontiers in Education Conference
"Exploring Education's Frontiers." 3/98, 36.
"Frontiers in Education Conference."9/97, 41.
FutureCar Challenge
"Building More Than a Better Car." 5/98, 101.
Coppula, Deborah. "Exhibiting Their Talent." 11/97, 14.
Ercolano, Vincent. "Mother-Daughter Academy." 2/98, 13.
LeBold, William K. and LeBold, Dona J. "Women Engineers: A Historical Perspective." 3/98, 30-32.
Global Connections
Coppula, Deborah. "Charting New Courses." 12/97, 14.
Gibney, Kate. "Global Vision." 2/98, 14.
Global Engineering Education Exchange
Gerhardt, Lester A. "Internationalizing Education." 2/98, 12.
Gerhardt, Lester A. "Internationalizing Education." 2/98, 12.
Goals 2000
Truxal, John G. "Second Call." 2/98, 48.
Gerhardt, Lester A."A Valued Partner." 4/98, 14.
"Inspiring the Next Generation of Inventors." 1/98, 11.
Marin, Mark. "NSF Adopts New Review Criteria." 10/97, 10.
Marin, Mark. "Special NSF Update: Investing in the Ideal University." 11/97, 26-28.
"Career Guidance Sampler." 3/98, 10.
Hocker, John R. "Honoring Our Heroes." 10/97, 56.
Industrial Advisory Boards
Coppula, Deborah. "The Texas Three-Step." 10/97, 14.
Industrial Research Institute/ASEE Faculty Fellow Program
Huband, Frank L. "Practical Experience." 1/98, 4.
Industry-University Partnerships
McCullough, Lynda. "Progressive Partnerships." 1/98, 30-33.
Payne, Rodger. "Common Goals." 1/98, 56.
Information Technology
"America's New Deficit: The Shortage of Information Technology Workers." 2/98, 30-31.
Integrated Curricula
Coppula, Deborah. "Integrating Teaching and Research." 12/97, 18-22.
Feisel, Lyle. "The Scholarship of Integration." 5/98, 100.
Panitz, Beth. "The Integrated Curriculum." 9/97, 24-29.
Intellectual Property
Coppula, Deborah. "Intellectual Property: Policies, Practices, and Possible Time Bombs." 10/97, 18-29.
McCullough, Lynda. "Progressive Partnerships." 1/98, 30-33.
"The Path to Commercialization." 12/97, 11.
Interdisciplinary Research
Marin, Mark. "Special NSF Update: Investing in the Ideal University." 11/97, 26-28.
International (also see Study Abroad)
Coppula, Deborah. "Charting New Courses." 12/97, 14.
Gerhardt, Lester A. "Internationalizing Education." 2/98, 12.
"Global Volunteers." 10/97, 11.
"International Arrivals and Departures." 4/98, 11.
International Education and Internship Program
Gibney, Kate. "Global Vision." 2/98, 14.
"Calling All Student Inventors." 3/98, 10.
"Inspiring the Next Generation of Inventors." 1/98, 11.
Journal of Engineering Education
"Journal Honors Best Papers." 11/97, 36.
Junior Engineering Technical Society (JETS)
Coppula, Deborah. "Fueling Interest in Technology." 9/97, 18-19.
Laboratory Buildings
"The Largest Learning Tool on Campus." 9/97, 21.
Laboratory Equipment
"High-Tech Hand-Me-Downs." 10/97, 17.
Learning Factory
"Direct From the Factory Floor." 11/97, 17.
"Toys for Tufts." 12/97, 16.
Thomes, Katherine and Clay, Karen. "University Libraries in Transition." 4/98, 26-29.
"Guide to Licensing Laws." 10/97, 9.
Maintenance and Reliability Practices
McCullough, Lynda. "Progressive Partnerships." 1/98, 30-33.
Manufacturing Education
"Direct From the Factory Floor." 11/97, 17.
"Industry Finds Flaw with Manufacturing Education." 2/98, 11.
Minorities (also see Diversity, Girls, and Women)
Coppula, Deborah. "Retreating for Advancement." 11/97, 13.
Multiple Choice
"Writing Multiple Choice Items." 11/97, 9.
Coppula, Deborah. "Exhibiting Their Talent." 11/97, 14.
Mustang Project
Ercolano, Vincent. "Students, Start Your Designs!" 1/98, 16.
"Uplifting Research." 10/97, 9.
"Riding the Vomit Comet." 3/98, 9.
National Academy of Engineering
"Celebration of Women in Engineering Project." 3/98, 31.
National Academy of Sciences
Augustine, Norman R. "Political Interference." 12/97, 56.
National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance (NCIIA)
"Inspiring the Next Generation of Inventors." 1/98, 11.
National Conference on Outcomes Assessment
"ASEE-ABET Conference Assessment Conference." 12/97, 40.
National Effective Teaching Institute (NETI)
"NETI Always Draws A Crowd." 12/97, 36-37.
National Engineers Week
"National Engineers Week '98." 1/98, 13.
National Medal of Science/National Medal of Technology
Hocker, John R. "Honoring Our Heroes." 10/97, 56.
National Science Foundation
"Do Research Costs Raise Tuition Charges?" 12/97, 10.
Gerhardt, Lester A."A Valued Partner." 4/98, 14.
Huband, Frank. "Fostering Creativity." 3/98, 4.
"Investing in the Ideal University." 11/97, 26-28.
"In Brief." 3/98, 16.
Marin, Mark. "NSF Adopts New Review Criteria." 10/97, 10.
Marin, Mark. "Special NSF Update: Investing in the Ideal University." 11/97, 26-28.
"No Gender Bias in NSF Funding." 2/98, 9.
Krupczak, John. "Demystifying Technology." 10/97, 30-34.
Olin Foundation
"$200 Million Pledged for New Engineering School."11/97, 10.
Paper Writing
"The Elements of Research Writing." 2/98, 10-11.
Coppula, Deborah. "Intellectual Property: Policies, Practices, and Possible Time Bombs." 10/97, 18-29.
"The Path to Commercialization." 12/97, 11.
"ASEE Conducts Ph.D. Employment Survey." 4/98, 32.
"The 15-Minute Lecturer." 2/98, 17.
"Putting a Stop to Code Plagiarism" 4/98, 9.
"ASEE Offers Precollege Tools." 11/97, 34.
"Career Guidance Sampler." 3/98, 10.
Coppula, Deborah. "Exhibiting Their Talent." 11/97, 14.
Coppula, Deborah. "Fueling Interest in Technology." 9/97, 18-19.
Ercolano, Vincent. "Mother-Daughter Academy." 2/98, 13.
Ercolano, Vincent. "Students, Start Your Designs!" 1/98, 16.
Gibney, Kate. "So What Is Engineering?" 3/98, 14.
Feisel, Lyle. "On Death and Dying." 2/98, 35.
Feisel, Lyle. "The Scholarship of Integration." 5/98, 100.
Feisel, Lyle. "Teaching Doesn't Matter." 12/97, 38.
Feisel, Lyle. "Technophobia Deja Vu." 10/97, 39.
"Meet Lyle Feisel." 9/97, 40.
"ASEE PRISM Wins National Awards." 9/97, 41-42.
Project Evaluation Matrix
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller. "A Measure of Success." 12/97, 24-29.
Proposal Writing
"Proposal Pitfalls." 3/98, 11.
Publish or Perish
Tien, Chang-Li. "A Do-or-Die World." 4/98, 11.
Pumpkin Drop
"Smashing Pumpkins." 10/97, 17.
Rathmann, George
Gibney, Kate. "Prescription for Success." 5/98, 32-33.
"Impressive Speaker Roster Set for Annual Conference." 4/98, 30.
Remote Experimentation
"A Remote Control Laboratory." 9/97, 23.
"Do Research Costs Raise Tuition Charges?" 12/97, 10.
Gerhardt, Lester A."A Valued Partner." 4/98, 14.
Gerhardt, Lester A. "Finding a Fair Measure." 9/97, 12.
Gerhardt, Lester A. "Internationalizing Education." 2/98, 12.
Gerhardt, Lester A. "Marketing Your Research Strengths." 3/98, 12.
Gerhardt, Lester A. "Research Directions." 11/97, 12.
Gerhardt, Lester A. "Safeguarding University Research." 1/98, 14.
Gerhardt, Lester A. "Timely Concerns." 12/97, 12.
Lott, Trent. "The Case for Research." 9/97, 60.
Phillips, Winfred. " Supporting Our Research Infrastructure." 33/98, 48.
"Proposal Pitfalls." 3/98, 11.
"Proposed Increases in Research Funding." 4/98, 10.
"R&D Spending on the Rise." 4/98, 9.
"Summer Research Assistance." 4/98, 10.
"R&D Spending on the Rise." 4/98, 9.
Research and Teaching
Coppula, Deborah. "Integrating Teaching and Research." 12/97, 18-22.
Gerhardt, Lester A. "Adjusting the Balance." 10/97, 12.
Marin, Mark. "Special NSF Update: Investing in the Ideal University." 11/97, 26-28.
"Scholarly Comparison." 11/97, 11.
"U.S.-Russian Ethics Workshop." 12/97, 40-42.
"Survey Claims Inflation Outpaces 1996-97 Faculty Salary Increases." 11/97, 9.
Sloan Foundation
"Career Guidance Sampler." 3/98, 10.
"Reel Engineers." 12/97, 10.
Soft Skills
"A Magazine for Today's Engineer." 3/98, 11.
Truxal, John. "Second Call." 2/98, 48.
"Stress Points." 10/97, 11.
Student Chapter Report
"Broome Community College." 2/98, 34.
Student Recommendations
"Writing Letters of Recommendation." 12/97, 11.
Student Research
"Uplifting Research." 10/97, 9.
Student Success
Landis, Ray. "Enhancing Student Success." 11/97, 30-32.
Student Surveys
"In Good Company." 2/98, 11.
Study-Abroad Programs (also see International)
Gerhardt, Lester A. "Internationalizing Education." 2/98, 12.
Gibney, Kate. "Global Vision." 2/98, 14.
"International Arrivals and Departures." 4/98, 11.
Study Habits
Landis, Ray. "Enhancing Student Success." 11/97, 30-32.
"ASEE Conducts Ph.D. Employment Survey." 4/98, 32.
Sustainable Development
"ASEE/AAES Initiative on Sustainable Development." 3/98, 37.
Systems Engineering
Huband, Frank L. "Total System Design." 11/97, 4.
Panitz, Beth. "Training Technology's Maestros." 11/97, 18-24.
Coppula, Deborah. "Integrating Teaching and Research." 12/97, 18-22.
Feisel, Lyle. "Teaching Doesn't Matter." 12/97, 38.
Feisel, Lyle. "Technophobia Deja Vu." 10/97, 39.
Landis, Ray. "Enhancing Student Success." 11/97, 30-32.
"NETI Always Draws A Crowd." 12/97, 36-37.
Wankat, Phillip. "Educating Teachers." 4/98, 40.
Teaching Assistants
"Foreign T.A.s: Do They Hinder Student Performance?" 11/97, 11.
Teaching Technique
"Hands-On Experience." 1/98, 10.
Landis, Ray. "Enhancing Student Success." 11/97, 30-32.
"The Art of Engineering." 2/98, 15.
"The 15-Minute Lecturer." 2/98, 17.
"Wait Three Seconds." 10/97, p. 11.
Wankat, Phillip. "Educating Teachers." 4/98, 40.
"Exploring Technology through Multidisciplinary Research Teams." 4/98, 17.
"Team Players." 12/97, 9.
Technological Literacy
Huband, Frank L. "Technological Literacy." 10/97, 4.
Krupczak, John. "Demystifying Technology." 10/97, 30-34.
Feisel, Lyle. "Technophobia Deja Vu." 10/97, 39.
"Experimenting in Cyberspace." 4/98, 16.
"Exploring Technology through Multidisciplinary Research Teams." 4/98, 17.
Thomes, Katherine and Clay, Karen. "University Libraries in Transition." 4/98, 26-29.
"Top 10 Technological Challenges." 9/97, 11.
Technology Courses
Krupczak, John. "Demystifying Technology." 10/97, 30-34.
Technological Transfer
DoD Grants Available. 3/98, 11.
"A Nontenure Evaluation System." 3/98, 17.
"A Yardstick for Evaluating Faculty." 1/98, 12.
"On Tenure," 9/97, 9.
"Tenure: Could God Make the Cut?" 11/97, 10.
Today's Engineer
"A Magazine for Today's Engineer." 3/98, 11.
Tuition Costs
"Do Research Costs Raise Tuition Charges?" 12/97, 10.
University-Based Business Incubators
Panitz, Beth. "Hatching Successful Businesses." 1/98, 24-29.
Virtual Laboratories
"Experimenting in Cyberspace." 4/98, 16.
Visiting Scholars Program
Huband, Frank. "Fostering Creativity." 3/98, 4.
Wait Time
"Wait Three Seconds." 10/97, p. 11.
Women (also see Diversity)
"Celebration of Women in Engineering Project." 3/98, 31.
Ercolano, Vincent. "Mother-Daughter Academy." 2/98, 13.
Gibney, Kate. "The Gender Game." 4/98, 14.
LeBold, William K. and LeBold, Dona J. "Women Engineers: A Historical Perspective ." 3/98, 30-32.
"No Gender Bias in NSF Funding." 2/98, 9.
Zone I (ASEE)
"Zone I Conducts First Zonewide Meeting." 9/97, 41.