On Campus: Alfred U., 2/93, 11; Arizona State U., 6/92, 11; U. of Bridgeport, 6/92, 11; U. of California, 1/93, 10; U. of California, Davis, 9/91, 10; U. of California, Riverside, 4/92, 8; California Polytechnic State U., 11/91, 8; Carnegie Mellon U., 6/92, 13; 9/92, 11; 3/93, 12; 5/93, 12; City U. of New York, 5/92, 10; U. of Cincin- nati, 1/92, 11; 2/93, 11; Clemson U. 5/93, 12; Colorado School of Mines, 5/93, 12; Duke U., 9/91, 10-11; Eastern Michigan U., 6/92, 11; Georgia Tech, 3/92, 11; 9/92, 10; Glassboro State, 11/92, 13; Gordon Inst., 9/92, 12; GMI, 10/91, 8; Harvard U., 9/91, 12; 3/93, 12; Illinois Inst. of Technology, P/91, 24; 5/92, 12-13; 3/93, 12; U. of Illinois at Chicago, 11/91, 8-9; U. of Illinois at Urbana, 2/92, 10; 3/92, 12; Iowa State U., P/91, 24; Johns Hopkins U., 5/93, 12; Kansas State U., 5/92, 11; Lansing Community Coll., 1/92, 12; Lawrence Tech, 12/92, 10; Lehigh U., P/91, 24; Marquette U., 10/91, 8; 12/92, 11; U. of Maine, 5/93, 11-12; MIT, P/91, 24; 11/91, 10; 1/92, 10; 4/92, 9; 6/92, 11; 3/93, 12; U. of Miami, 3/92, 13; U. of Michigan, 6/92, 11; 11/92, 12; Michigan State U., 6/92, 11; Milwaukee School of Engrg., 5/93, 11; Mississippi State U., 6/93, 13; U. of Missouri-Rolla, 3/92, 12; 6/93, 11; Morgan State U., 3/93, 12; New Jersey Inst. of Technology, 6/92, 13; 5/93, 12; U. of New Hampshire, 2/93, 12; New Mexico Highlands U., 3/93, 12; New York Inst. of Technology, 11/92, 11; North Carolina A&T State U., 9/92, 11; 5/93, 12; North Carolina State U., P/91, 24; 5/92, 12; Northrop U., 6/92, 11; Penn State, 9/91, 10; 6/92, 12; 11/92, 11; 12/92, 10; 3/93, 12; 5/93, 12; U. of Pittsburgh, 6/92, 13; Polytechnic U., 5/92, 13; Pratt Institute, 3/92, 13; U. of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, 3/93, 12; 5/93, 12; Purdue U., 3/92, 10-11; 6/92, 13; 1/93, 12; 6/93, 36; Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., 4/92, 10; 9/92, 13; 12/92, 12; 2/93, 11; 6/93, 11, 12; Rochester Inst., 5/93, 10, 13; Rose-Hulman Inst. of Technology, 2/92, 10; Rutgers, The State U., 6/92, 13; U. of South Florida, 5/92, 11; U. Southern California, 6/93, 12; Southern Illinois U., Carbondale, 3/92, 12; Spring Garden Coll., 11/92, 12; Stanford U., 11/92, 10; Stevens Institute of Technology., 10/91, 10; 6/92, 13; 9/92, 10; SUNY-Buffalo, 9/91, 11; U. of Texas at Austin, 9/91, 10; 11/92, 13; Texas A&M U., 5/92, 11; 2/93, 11; U. of Toledo, 2/93, 10; Tufts U., 9/92, 12; 3/93, 10-11; Union College, 2/92, 12; Vermont Technical Coll., 9/92, 13; Virginia Tech, 9/92, 12; U. of Washington, 6/92, 13; Washington State U., 6/92, 13; 6/93, 10, 12; Wentworth Inst. of Technology, 4/92, 10; West Virginia U., 5/93, 13; U. of Wisconsin-Madison, 2/92, 12; Worcester Polytechnic Inst., 9/91, 11-12; 1/93,11; 2/93, 11; York Technical Coll., 5/92, 11
Peterson, Carl R., 5/93, 26-29
Petroski, Henry, 6/93, 56
Pipeline, educational: 10/91, 12
Pister, Karl, 6/93, 25
Pluralism: P/91, 18-19
Policy, science/technology: 11/92, 17; 12/92, 18
Prados, John, W., 10/92, 17; 6/93, 28
Precollege: 11/91, 12-13; 1/92, 4, 13-14, 28-29; DOE programs, 9/91, 29-30; directory of resources, 1/92, 30-32; engrs. involved, 1/92, 16-27; 11/92, 32-33; high school, 1/92, 24-27; 5/92, 14-15; H-P prog., 2/92, 20; industry support, 2/93, 9; K-6, 1/92, 20-23; Kodak prog., P/91, 7; math and science deficiencies, 9/91, 48; math teaching, 10/92, 24-28; NSF goals, progs., 11/91, 30-31; 1/92, 52; teacher training, 1/92, 28-29; 5/92, 30-31
Presidential candidates: 10/92, 16 Puerto Rico: 1/92, 9
On Campus: Alfred U., 2/93, 11; Arizona State U., 6/92, 11; U. of Bridgeport, 6/92, 11; U. of California, 1/93, 10; U. of California, Davis, 9/91, 10; U. of California, Riverside, 4/92, 8; California Polytechnic State U., 11/91, 8; Carnegie Mellon U., 6/92, 13; 9/92, 11; 3/93, 12; 5/93, 12; City U. of New York, 5/92, 10; U. of Cincin- nati, 1/92, 11; 2/93, 11; Clemson U. 5/93, 12; Colorado School of Mines, 5/93, 12; Duke U., 9/91, 10-11; Eastern Michigan U., 6/92, 11; Georgia Tech, 3/92, 11; 9/92, 10; Glassboro State, 11/92, 13; Gordon Inst., 9/92, 12; GMI, 10/91, 8; Harvard U., 9/91, 12; 3/93, 12; Illinois Inst. of Technology, P/91, 24; 5/92, 12-13; 3/93, 12; U. of Illinois at Chicago, 11/91, 8-9; U. of Illinois at Urbana, 2/92, 10; 3/92, 12; Iowa State U., P/91, 24; Johns Hopkins U., 5/93, 12; Kansas State U., 5/92, 11; Lansing Community Coll., 1/92, 12; Lawrence Tech, 12/92, 10; Lehigh U., P/91, 24; Marquette U., 10/91, 8; 12/92, 11; U. of Maine, 5/93, 11-12; MIT, P/91, 24; 11/91, 10; 1/92, 10; 4/92, 9; 6/92, 11; 3/93, 12; U. of Miami, 3/92, 13; U. of Michigan, 6/92, 11; 11/92, 12; Michigan State U., 6/92, 11; Milwaukee School of Engrg., 5/93, 11; Mississippi State U., 6/93, 13; U. of Missouri-Rolla, 3/92, 12; 6/93, 11; Morgan State U., 3/93, 12; New Jersey Inst. of Technology, 6/92, 13; 5/93, 12; U. of New Hampshire, 2/93, 12; New Mexico Highlands U., 3/93, 12; New York Inst. of Technology, 11/92, 11; North Carolina A&T State U., 9/92, 11; 5/93, 12; North Carolina State U., P/91, 24; 5/92, 12; Northrop U., 6/92, 11; Penn State, 9/91, 10; 6/92, 12; 11/92, 11; 12/92, 10; 3/93, 12; 5/93, 12; U. of Pittsburgh, 6/92, 13; Polytechnic U., 5/92, 13; Pratt Institute, 3/92, 13; U. of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, 3/93, 12; 5/93, 12; Purdue U., 3/92, 10-11; 6/92, 13; 1/93, 12; 6/93, 36; Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., 4/92, 10; 9/92, 13; 12/92, 12; 2/93, 11; 6/93, 11, 12; Rochester Inst., 5/93, 10, 13; Rose-Hulman Inst. of Technology, 2/92, 10; Rutgers, The State U., 6/92, 13; U. of South Florida, 5/92, 11; U. Southern California, 6/93, 12; Southern Illinois U., Carbondale, 3/92, 12; Spring Garden Coll., 11/92, 12; Stanford U., 11/92, 10; Stevens Institute of Technology., 10/91, 10; 6/92, 13; 9/92, 10; SUNY-Buffalo, 9/91, 11; U. of Texas at Austin, 9/91, 10; 11/92, 13; Texas A&M U., 5/92, 11; 2/93, 11; U. of Toledo, 2/93, 10; Tufts U., 9/92, 12; 3/93, 10-11; Union College, 2/92, 12; Vermont Technical Coll., 9/92, 13; Virginia Tech, 9/92, 12; U. of Washington, 6/92, 13; Washington State U., 6/92, 13; 6/93, 10, 12; Wentworth Inst. of Technology, 4/92, 10; West Virginia U., 5/93, 13; U. of Wisconsin-Madison, 2/92, 12; Worcester Polytechnic Inst., 9/91, 11-12; 1/93,11; 2/93, 11; York Technical Coll., 5/92, 11
Peterson, Carl R., 5/93, 26-29
Petroski, Henry, 6/93, 56
Pipeline, educational: 10/91, 12
Pister, Karl, 6/93, 25
Pluralism: P/91, 18-19
Policy, science/technology: 11/92, 17; 12/92, 18
Prados, John, W., 10/92, 17; 6/93, 28
Precollege: 11/91, 12-13; 1/92, 4, 13-14, 28-29; DOE programs, 9/91, 29-30; directory of resources, 1/92, 30-32; engrs. involved, 1/92, 16-27; 11/92, 32-33; high school, 1/92, 24-27; 5/92, 14-15; H-P prog., 2/92, 20; industry support, 2/93, 9; K-6, 1/92, 20-23; Kodak prog., P/91, 7; math and science deficiencies, 9/91, 48; math teaching, 10/92, 24-28; NSF goals, progs., 11/91, 30-31; 1/92, 52; teacher training, 1/92, 28-29; 5/92, 30-31
Presidential candidates: 10/92, 16 Puerto Rico: 1/92, 9