Each institution's entry will vary according to the completeness of the information provided to ASEE. In instances in which a question was not applicable or information was not available, entire sections or subsections, including headings, may have been omitted for that institution.
Respondents had the opportunity to qualify some of their responses with footnotes. Where they have done so, there is an indicator next to the data being footnoted. The corresponding text appears in small type beneath a line at the end of each subsection.
Institutions appear alphabetically, according to key words in their names (excluding terms such as "University," "The," etc.). Each profile is divided into three parts: Institutional Information, Undergraduate Information, and Graduate Information.
Institution Information begins with the address of the institution as well as the address, phone and fax numbers and the e-mail address of the head of the institution (usually the president or chancellor). General Information includes enrollments (including those students not enrolled in engineering programs), the type of institution (public or private), the academic calendar (semesters, quarters, etc.), the setting of the main campus (rural, small town, suburban, or urban), and the nearest city or metropolitan area including its population and the distance from the main campus, and a list of other degree-granting colleges within the institution.
Engineering College Information begins with the head of engineering, usually the dean. The engineering college inquiries contact provides the address and phone number that should be used by prospective engineering students to request information and materials about the institution.
Types of Engineering Degrees and Degree Requirements list the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees offered by the institution and the requirements for each degree.
Areas of Expertise are areas of expertise for each department within the college of engineering.
The first items under Student Programs are the lists of engineering Professional Societies and Honorary Societies that are available to engineering students. The Support Programs section lists the university-staffed support programs for minorities and other underrepresented groups.
Student Design Projects includes any engineering-related student design projects offered by the engineering college.
College Description & Special Characteristics offers each institution an opportunity to describe its programs, facilities, campus environment, and any other relevant information about the university, the engineering college, or any specific programs.
Enter the head counts for all tenured and tenure-track teaching personnel (full, associate, and assistant professors) by race, ethnicity and gender for each department in the college of engineering. Include all teaching undergraduate and graduate engineering faculty at your institution. Do not include graduate teaching or research assistants, summer term faculty or adjunct professors. Do not enter engineering technology faculty data here; enter engineering technology faculty data in the Engineering Technology Profile section of this survey. The totals will be calculated automatically on this page as you enter the data.
Teaching, Non-Tenure Track Engineering Personnel
Do not include any individual as part-time faculty whom you have already counted as full-time. Full-time/part-time status is determined by each institution. Exclude summer term only faculty. Do not include graduate teaching or research assistants. Include ONLY teaching, engineering personnel at your institution. This may include post-docs and adjunct professors.
Enter the head counts for the teaching, non-tenure track faculty or personnel (full-time, part- time, and full-time equivalent of part-time faculty) for each department in the list. Enter the full-time equivalent (FTE) of all part-time teaching personnel.
To calculate FTE of part-time personnel, first establish the institution's full-time teaching load (FTL). Next, sum ALL credit hours taught by ALL part-time instructors WITHIN each department. Take the total credit hours taught by the department's part-time instructors and divide that by the FTL. The result is the FTE. (For each engineering department: FTE = credit hours taught by PT instructors / FTL)
Full-time teaching load = 12 hours.
Hours taught by part-time staff = 80
Number of part-time staff = 10
80/12 = 6.666
6.666/10 = .67
FTE = .67
Admission Inquiries includes the contact address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address that should be used by prospective undergraduate engineering students to request admission information and application materials. Admissions Information includes specific requirements for admissions to the engineering college or department including requirements for foreign students (TOEFL, TWE, TSE, etc.), residency requirements, and admission for non-resident students. Admissions Information also includes details for transfer student admission as well as the numbers of transfers from two and four-year schools.
Student Expenses & Financial Aid includes detailed student expenses and other financial aid information for the nine-month, academic year based upon an average undergraduate courseload of credit-hours per year. Expenses are requested for a nine-month period so that figures for schools on different calendars (semesters, quarters, etc.) may be compared based upon a standard-length school year, excluding summer terms. Expenses are itemized as tuition and required fees, college room and board (based on a seven-day meal plan, if available), books and supplies, and other expenses (excluding transportation to and from school each term or during holidays and other personal expenses, but including the cost of a computer if it is required or strongly recommended for effective study). If expenses differ for state residents and nonresidents or for other groups of students, two sets of expenses are given.
General Financial Aid Information provides the address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address that should be used by prospective undergraduate engineering students to request financial aid information and application materials. This section also includes the types of aid available to undergraduate students (including tuition assistance, work-study, or other campus employment, and any other need-based aid), and forms accepted/required to apply for financial aid.
Engineering Student Information provides information on the students themselves. It begins by listing the numbers of undergraduate applicants, the number of applicants offered admission, the number of students who matriculated, and of those entering the institution, the percentage of whom ranked in the top quartile (25%) of their high school class. This section also contains a list of Enrollments By Class divided by departments. Within this enrollment list, fifth-year students are included with fourth year students.
The list of Degrees Awarded By Degree Program represents the number of bachelor's degree recipients who classify themselves according to the following race and ethnic backgrounds: African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, Foreign Nationals, Caucasians, Two or More and Unknown.
Admission Inquiries provides the contact address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address that should be used by prospective graduate engineering students to request admission information and application materials. Admissions Information includes specific requirements for admissions to the engineering college or department including requirements for foreign students (TOEFL, TWE, TSE, etc.), residency requirements, and admission for nonresident students. Admissions Information also includes details for transfer student admission.
Student Expenses & Financial Aid includes detailed student expenses and other financial aid information for the nine-month, academic year based upon an average first-year graduate engineering course load of credit-hours per year. Expenses are requested for a nine-month period so that figures for schools on different calendars (semesters, quarters, etc.) may be compared based upon a standard-length school year, excluding summer terms. Estimated expenses are itemized as tuition and required fees, college room and board (based on a seven-day meal plan, if available), books and supplies, and other expenses (excluding transportation to and from school each term or during holidays and other personal expenses, but including the cost of a computer if it is required or strongly recommended for effective study). If expenses differ for state residents and nonresidents or for other groups of students, two sets of expenses are given.
General Financial Aid Information provides the address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address that should be used by prospective graduate engineering students to request financial aid information and application materials. This section also includes the types of aid available to graduate students (including tuition assistance, work-study, or other campus employment, and any other need-based aid), and forms accepted/required to apply for financial aid.
Engineering Student Information provides information on the students themselves. It begins by listing the numbers of graduate applicants to the college of engineering, the number of applicants offered admission, and the number of students who matriculated. This section also contains Enrollments listed by the number of full-time and part-time engineering students for the Fall term. These are students enrolled in master's or doctoral degree programs and do not include nondegree candidates.
The list of Degrees Awarded By Degree Program represents the number of master's and doctoral degree recipients who classify themselves according to the following race and ethnic backgrounds: African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, Foreign Nationals, Caucasians, Two or More and Unknown.
The number of Student Appointments for the academic year represented. Please note that students who hold multiple appointments will be counted more than once. The number of positions are counted, NOT the number of students. The number of appointments and the average monthly stipend for fellowships, research assistantships, and any other appointments made to graduate students are provided. A stipend should be funding to the student and should not include tuition.
Example: A department has a full-time research assistantship that pays $2,500 per month. This appointment is broken into two-half time positions, which are awarded to two students. Each student earns $1,250 per month. Please count the full appointment (1) and the monthly stipend ($2,500) of the full appointment in your calculation.
Externally-funded Research Expenditures by Funding Source
Include all expenditures associated with grants and contracts specifically budgeted for externally sponsored research and associated programs and expenditures associated with all gifts auditably used for research. Include expended funds provided by the following external sources:
The expenditures reported should be only those funds provided by organizations, agencies, and individuals external to the institution.
Cost sharing/matching funds should be included only if provided from sources external to the institution.
Only State government funds that were obtained competitively or as matching funds associated with other externally funded programs should be included.
State funds that are part of the normal operating budget should not be included regardless of purpose.
For all joint or contracted projects or sub-projects, only the portion of the center research performed by faculty, staff, and students of the affiliated engineering school should be credited to that school.
Expenditures for capital costs of research laboratory building construction should not be included.
Expenditures for research laboratory renovations should not be included unless the renovation funds expended came from grants and contracts expressly intended for the direct support of engineering research.
Any portion of academic year and/or summer salary for any researcher that is not derived from external research grants or contracts should not be counted.
Total number: Report total number of individual grants, not the total dollar amount of the expenditures.
Expenditures: Report actual expenditures (as opposed to authorization amounts) in U.S. dollars.
ASEE Engineering Research Expenditures: Dos and Don’ts
Do not count. . . .
. . . research expenditures for a lab/center solely because a faculty member is the lab/center director. Only externally-funded research that is expended directly by personnel and their work for the research mission of the school of engineering should be included.
. . . purchased equipment that enabled you to receive new awards. Only equipment that was purchased explicitly as part of and in support of a contract can be counted.
. . . required or not required cost share that the university or its affiliated foundation puts toward a project. This is considered internal funding whether it is via the university directly or one of its affiliates (e.g. a foundation).
. . . in kind gifts. These are not expended funds.
. . . waived indirect costs. These are not expended funds.
. . . research expenditures that are subcontracted to a party outside of your engineering college. Only include the research done by direct personnel of your engineering college. In the case of joint appointments, research expenditures are pro-rated in proportion to the effort in the school of engineering.
. . . discretionary spending that is appropriated from the dean‘s office. Discretionary spending is not considered to be externally-funded, regardless of the original source.
. . . any research that is funded from an endowment or a general fund. These sources are considered to be internal and therefore, should not be included, regardless of the original source. This includes general state appropriations, a percentage of which is presumed to be for the support of research.
. . . expenditures for marketing existing research results or either applying for or developing new research proposals. This is not considered to be research.
Do count . . .
. . . externally-funded expenditures associated both fundamental and applied research.
Research Description allows institutions to provide a brief description of research being conducted by the each engineering department or research center.
Subject Areas of Engineering Research is an alphabetical index of subject areas of engineering research. Each institution could list up to 75 separate subject areas. As a general guideline, institutions were directed to include only those research projects with at least $50,000 in funding annually and being performed by more than one faculty member or researcher.
Each institution's entry will vary according to the completeness of the information provided to ASEE. In instances in which a question was not applicable or information was not available, entire sections or subsections, including headings, may have been omitted for that institution.
Respondents had the opportunity to qualify some of their responses with footnotes. Where they have done so, there is an indicator next to the data being footnoted. The corresponding text appears in small type beneath a line at the end of each subsection.
Institutions appear alphabetically, according to key words in their names (excluding terms such as "University," "The," etc.). Each profile is divided into three parts: Institutional Information, Undergraduate Information, and Graduate Information.
Institution Information begins with the address of the institution as well as the address, phone and fax numbers and the e-mail address of the head of the institution (usually the president or chancellor). General Information includes enrollments (including those students not enrolled in engineering programs), the type of institution (public or private), the academic calendar (semesters, quarters, etc.), the setting of the main campus (rural, small town, suburban, or urban), and the nearest city or metropolitan area including its population and the distance from the main campus, and a list of other degree-granting colleges within the institution.
Engineering College Information begins with the head of engineering, usually the dean. The engineering college inquiries contact provides the address and phone number that should be used by prospective engineering students to request information and materials about the institution.
Types of Engineering Degrees and Degree Requirements list the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees offered by the institution and the requirements for each degree.
Areas of Expertise are areas of expertise for each department within the college of engineering.
The first items under Student Programs are the lists of engineering Professional Societies and Honorary Societies that are available to engineering students. The Support Programs section lists the university-staffed support programs for minorities and other underrepresented groups.
Student Design Projects includes any engineering-related student design projects offered by the engineering college.
College Description & Special Characteristics offers each institution an opportunity to describe its programs, facilities, campus environment, and any other relevant information about the university, the engineering college, or any specific programs.
Enter the head counts for all tenured and tenure-track teaching personnel (full, associate, and assistant professors) by race, ethnicity and gender for each department in the college of engineering. Include all teaching undergraduate and graduate engineering faculty at your institution. Do not include graduate teaching or research assistants, summer term faculty or adjunct professors. Do not enter engineering technology faculty data here; enter engineering technology faculty data in the Engineering Technology Profile section of this survey. The totals will be calculated automatically on this page as you enter the data.
Teaching, Non-Tenure Track Engineering Personnel
Do not include any individual as part-time faculty whom you have already counted as full-time. Full-time/part-time status is determined by each institution. Exclude summer term only faculty. Do not include graduate teaching or research assistants. Include ONLY teaching, engineering personnel at your institution. This may include post-docs and adjunct professors.
Enter the head counts for the teaching, non-tenure track faculty or personnel (full-time, part- time, and full-time equivalent of part-time faculty) for each department in the list. Enter the full-time equivalent (FTE) of all part-time teaching personnel.
To calculate FTE of part-time personnel, first establish the institution's full-time teaching load (FTL). Next, sum ALL credit hours taught by ALL part-time instructors WITHIN each department. Take the total credit hours taught by the department's part-time instructors and divide that by the FTL. The result is the FTE. (For each engineering department: FTE = credit hours taught by PT instructors / FTL)
Full-time teaching load = 12 hours.
Hours taught by part-time staff = 80
Number of part-time staff = 10
80/12 = 6.666
6.666/10 = .67
FTE = .67
Admission Inquiries includes the contact address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address that should be used by prospective undergraduate engineering students to request admission information and application materials. Admissions Information includes specific requirements for admissions to the engineering college or department including requirements for foreign students (TOEFL, TWE, TSE, etc.), residency requirements, and admission for non-resident students. Admissions Information also includes details for transfer student admission as well as the numbers of transfers from two and four-year schools.
Student Expenses & Financial Aid includes detailed student expenses and other financial aid information for the nine-month, academic year based upon an average undergraduate courseload of credit-hours per year. Expenses are requested for a nine-month period so that figures for schools on different calendars (semesters, quarters, etc.) may be compared based upon a standard-length school year, excluding summer terms. Expenses are itemized as tuition and required fees, college room and board (based on a seven-day meal plan, if available), books and supplies, and other expenses (excluding transportation to and from school each term or during holidays and other personal expenses, but including the cost of a computer if it is required or strongly recommended for effective study). If expenses differ for state residents and nonresidents or for other groups of students, two sets of expenses are given.
General Financial Aid Information provides the address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address that should be used by prospective undergraduate engineering students to request financial aid information and application materials. This section also includes the types of aid available to undergraduate students (including tuition assistance, work-study, or other campus employment, and any other need-based aid), and forms accepted/required to apply for financial aid.
Engineering Student Information provides information on the students themselves. It begins by listing the numbers of undergraduate applicants, the number of applicants offered admission, the number of students who matriculated, and of those entering the institution, the percentage of whom ranked in the top quartile (25%) of their high school class. This section also contains a list of Enrollments By Class divided by departments. Within this enrollment list, fifth-year students are included with fourth year students.
The list of Degrees Awarded By Degree Program represents the number of bachelor's degree recipients who classify themselves according to the following race and ethnic backgrounds: African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, Foreign Nationals, Caucasians, Two or More and Unknown.
Admission Inquiries provides the contact address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address that should be used by prospective graduate engineering students to request admission information and application materials. Admissions Information includes specific requirements for admissions to the engineering college or department including requirements for foreign students (TOEFL, TWE, TSE, etc.), residency requirements, and admission for nonresident students. Admissions Information also includes details for transfer student admission.
Student Expenses & Financial Aid includes detailed student expenses and other financial aid information for the nine-month, academic year based upon an average first-year graduate engineering course load of credit-hours per year. Expenses are requested for a nine-month period so that figures for schools on different calendars (semesters, quarters, etc.) may be compared based upon a standard-length school year, excluding summer terms. Estimated expenses are itemized as tuition and required fees, college room and board (based on a seven-day meal plan, if available), books and supplies, and other expenses (excluding transportation to and from school each term or during holidays and other personal expenses, but including the cost of a computer if it is required or strongly recommended for effective study). If expenses differ for state residents and nonresidents or for other groups of students, two sets of expenses are given.
General Financial Aid Information provides the address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address that should be used by prospective graduate engineering students to request financial aid information and application materials. This section also includes the types of aid available to graduate students (including tuition assistance, work-study, or other campus employment, and any other need-based aid), and forms accepted/required to apply for financial aid.
Engineering Student Information provides information on the students themselves. It begins by listing the numbers of graduate applicants to the college of engineering, the number of applicants offered admission, and the number of students who matriculated. This section also contains Enrollments listed by the number of full-time and part-time engineering students for the Fall term. These are students enrolled in master's or doctoral degree programs and do not include nondegree candidates.
The list of Degrees Awarded By Degree Program represents the number of master's and doctoral degree recipients who classify themselves according to the following race and ethnic backgrounds: African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, Foreign Nationals, Caucasians, Two or More and Unknown.
The number of Student Appointments for the academic year represented. Please note that students who hold multiple appointments will be counted more than once. The number of positions are counted, NOT the number of students. The number of appointments and the average monthly stipend for fellowships, research assistantships, and any other appointments made to graduate students are provided. A stipend should be funding to the student and should not include tuition.
Example: A department has a full-time research assistantship that pays $2,500 per month. This appointment is broken into two-half time positions, which are awarded to two students. Each student earns $1,250 per month. Please count the full appointment (1) and the monthly stipend ($2,500) of the full appointment in your calculation.
Externally-funded Research Expenditures by Funding Source
Include all expenditures associated with grants and contracts specifically budgeted for externally sponsored research and associated programs and expenditures associated with all gifts auditably used for research. Include expended funds provided by the following external sources:
The expenditures reported should be only those funds provided by organizations, agencies, and individuals external to the institution.
Cost sharing/matching funds should be included only if provided from sources external to the institution.
Only State government funds that were obtained competitively or as matching funds associated with other externally funded programs should be included.
State funds that are part of the normal operating budget should not be included regardless of purpose.
For all joint or contracted projects or sub-projects, only the portion of the center research performed by faculty, staff, and students of the affiliated engineering school should be credited to that school.
Expenditures for capital costs of research laboratory building construction should not be included.
Expenditures for research laboratory renovations should not be included unless the renovation funds expended came from grants and contracts expressly intended for the direct support of engineering research.
Any portion of academic year and/or summer salary for any researcher that is not derived from external research grants or contracts should not be counted.
Total number: Report total number of individual grants, not the total dollar amount of the expenditures.
Expenditures: Report actual expenditures (as opposed to authorization amounts) in U.S. dollars.
ASEE Engineering Research Expenditures: Dos and Don’ts
Do not count. . . .
. . . research expenditures for a lab/center solely because a faculty member is the lab/center director. Only externally-funded research that is expended directly by personnel and their work for the research mission of the school of engineering should be included.
. . . purchased equipment that enabled you to receive new awards. Only equipment that was purchased explicitly as part of and in support of a contract can be counted.
. . . required or not required cost share that the university or its affiliated foundation puts toward a project. This is considered internal funding whether it is via the university directly or one of its affiliates (e.g. a foundation).
. . . in kind gifts. These are not expended funds.
. . . waived indirect costs. These are not expended funds.
. . . research expenditures that are subcontracted to a party outside of your engineering college. Only include the research done by direct personnel of your engineering college. In the case of joint appointments, research expenditures are pro-rated in proportion to the effort in the school of engineering.
. . . discretionary spending that is appropriated from the dean‘s office. Discretionary spending is not considered to be externally-funded, regardless of the original source.
. . . any research that is funded from an endowment or a general fund. These sources are considered to be internal and therefore, should not be included, regardless of the original source. This includes general state appropriations, a percentage of which is presumed to be for the support of research.
. . . expenditures for marketing existing research results or either applying for or developing new research proposals. This is not considered to be research.
Do count . . .
. . . externally-funded expenditures associated both fundamental and applied research.
Research Description allows institutions to provide a brief description of research being conducted by the each engineering department or research center.
Subject Areas of Engineering Research is an alphabetical index of subject areas of engineering research. Each institution could list up to 75 separate subject areas. As a general guideline, institutions were directed to include only those research projects with at least $50,000 in funding annually and being performed by more than one faculty member or researcher.